How we support children/young people with SEN starting at our school
Children with SEND joining our Nursery are invited to fill in an ‘all about me’ booklet to share any information about existing needs with school staff. Nursery children attend visit sessions alongside a parent or carer before joining us independently. Some children require more than one visit with a parent or carer and this can be arranged directly with Nursery staff. Parents and carers can speak to the SENCO at any time about their child’s needs. For children with complex needs, the SENCO may visit the child’s previous setting or home to gain more information about how best to support the child.
Children with SEND joining our Reception class are invited to numerous transition sessions in the Summer term as well as a parents open evening. This provides opportunities to discuss any additional needs with school staff including the SENCO. For children with complex needs, the SENCO may visit the child’s previous setting or home to gain more information about how best to support the child.
At Montalbo Nursery and Primary School we appreciate the importance of Early Identification and will immediately begin an open dialogue with parents and carers about the best ways to support a child with SEND. This may include referrals to outside agencies or additional support within the Early Years.
Children with SEND joining our school in Key Stage 1 or 2 are also welcome to attend transition sessions if appropriate. Mrs Channell, our SENCO, will liaise with parents and the previous setting to ensure that the child receives the support the require.
How we support children/young people with SEN moving between classes in our school
We are a school with a strong sense of community in which all classes come together regularly. This allows children to gain some degree of familiarity with all staff within their school. In addition, we provide transition days for all children in the Summer term to let them get to know their new classroom, teacher and teaching assistants before moving class. Some children with additional needs benefit from visual reminders about their new class and may be given a booklet or prompt sheet to take home over the Summer or be given additional transition activities/sessions. They also may benefit from additional transition activities with their new member of support staff.
How we support children/young people with SEN leaving our school
Children usually leave our school in Year 6 when they go to Secondary School. We work with Secondary Schools to provide transition sessions for all pupils. Some children with SEND require additional transition sessions and we often arrange this alongside the Secondary SENCO, parents and practitioners from SENDIASS. If a child has a particular need around transition, we are able to provide additional support through intervention etc
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail, please contact the school to arrange an appointment.