How do we identify and assess children with SEN?
Currently 17% of all children at Montalbo are on the SEN register.
Of those on the register:
52% have a speech, communication or language need
18% have a social communication need including Autism Spectrum Conditions
4% have a specific learning difficulty
11% have a social, emotional or mental health need
11% have a general learning difficulty
4% have a visual impairment
Children are identified as having a Special, Education Need through teacher observation and assessment, conversations with parents and children, work with specialist agencies and professionals and analysing of data.
Areas of Need
At Montalbo Nursery and Primary School, we recognise that there are four main areas of Special Educational Needs:
Communication and Interaction
- Delay in attention / Interaction Skills—children may have difficulties ignoring distractions and may need regular prompts to stay on task. They may find whole class work difficult. They may need individualised motivation in order to complete tasks. These children may have peer relationship issues or may not be able to initiate or maintain a conversation.
- Understanding / Receptive Language—children may need visual support to understand or process spoken language. Children may repeat language.
- Speech / Expressive Language—children may use simplified language and use limited vocabulary. Ideas and conversations may be difficult to follow, with the need to request further clarification. Some immaturities are in the sound system. Grammar/phonological awareness is still fairly poor and therefore literacy can be affected.
Cognition and Learning
- Children may have difficulties with the skills needed for effective learning such as use of: language, memory and reasoning skills; sequencing and organisation skills; an understanding of number; problem-solving; fine and gross motor skills; independent learning skills; exercising choice; decision making and information processing
Social, Mental and Emotional Health
- Children may have difficulties with social and emotional development which may lead to or stem from: social Isolation; behavioural difficulties; attention difficulties; anxiety and depression; attachment disorders; low self esteem and issues with self image.
Sensory and/or Physical
- These pupils may have a medical or genetic condition that could lead to difficulties with: specific medical conditions; gross and fine motor skills; visual or hearing impairment; accessing the curriculum without adaptation; physically accessing the school building or equipment; oversensitivity to noise / smells / light / touch / taste and issues with toilet / self care.
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail, please contact the school to arrange an appointment.