Professional Services
Behaviour Support Team
We can request outreach to help support our staff in developing social and emotional skills. We have a good track record in managing challenging behaviours.
Speech and Language
We are visited by a speech therapist at least termly. She provides advice on activities for the home and school which can be used to target and support children.
Educational Psychology (EP)
School can provide EP services who work alongside staff , parents and children to assess and observe pupils in order to support learning and identify areas of need and how best to support them.
School Nurse
Our school nurse (Caroline Mooney) provides support, advice and direct teaching. She works closely with us and delivers training to support all pupils and families.
Social Care
School has access to and works very closely with Social Care in supporting both our children and families as needed.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
School can access a wide range of health professionals who can help children and families where there are concerns about their emotional well-being and mental health.
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail, please contact the school to arrange an appointment.