Welcome to Reception
What an exciting start to the Summer term we’ve had with our ‘Traditional Tales’ topic. We have enjoyed starting our topic with the story of ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’ and received an exciting letter from the elves. They requested that we help them by designing and making them some miniature furniture for their home . We thought they were very kind, so we were happy to help them! We have a very exciting week planned when we read ‘The Gingerbread Man’. We are hoping to bake some gingerbread men, we just hope they don’t manage to escape! Over the last few weeks we have been learning about life cycles and have been fortunate enough to have some caterpillars in class. It has been fascinating for us to watch the caterpillars grow and cocoon before turning into beautiful butterflies. We were amazed as they grow and it was lovely to set them free recently!
In Literacy we are enjoying some high quality traditional tales, including; ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’, ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, ‘ Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, ‘Robin Hood’ and ‘Puss in Boots’. We are looking forward to re-writing the stories, acting them out, creating wanted posters and much more.
This term in Maths, we have been learning all about 3D shapes. We have completed shape hunts and loved making towers with the shapes. We’ve also been developing our knowledge of pattern and have been creating and repeating more complex patterns. We are looking forward to continuing our learning with the following topics; building numbers beyond 10, counting patterns beyond 10, spatial reasoning 3 and 4 and adding more.
Summer 2
In the second half of the Summer term we will be learning about what different places are like. We will be exploring what different animals, habitats and environments are like on beaches, farms, the woods, the desert and the jungle. We are very excited about this topic! Please come and visit again soon for more updates.