Welcome Year 3! What an exciting Autumn Term we have planned for you!
PE is on a Friday.
Outdoor learning is on a Monday.
Spellings are sent home every Wednesday and tested on a Monday.
Homework is sent home on a Wednesday and should be handed in on a Monday.
In the first half term we will be reading ‘Brambly Hedge’ by Jill Barklem followed by ‘The Rhythm of the Rain’ by Grahame Baker-Smith and poetry from ‘Bright Bursts of Colour’ by Matt Goodfellow. We will be writing our own character and setting descriptions, and structured poetry. In our oracy we will be learning how to give a guided tour. After half term we will be reading ‘Tuesday’ by David Weisner, ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C.S. Lewis and ‘When the Stars Come Out’ by Nicola Edwards. We will be writing our own diary entry and newspaper reports.
In Maths, we will begin with building on our knowledge of place value. We will learn how to read, write, compare and order numbers up to 1000. We will then move onto addition and subtraction where we will revisit mental maths method as well as formal written methods. After half term we will be looking at multiplication and division exploring our 3s, 4s and 8s.
In the first half term we will be studying ‘Forces and Magnets’ learning about pulls and pushes, exploring patterns for magnets attracting and repelling each other, and creating our own compasses! We will learn all about the scientist ‘Andre Marie Ampere’. Through our practical work we will use a variety of enquiry types and scientific skills. In the second half term we will use science to explore ‘Light’ through a number of exciting experiments. We will be learning that we need light to see, what ‘dark’ is, how light from the sun can be dangerous and how shadows are formed. We will also look at the scientist ‘Justus Von Liebig’ and what he has to do with mirrors!
In History, we will be investigating our Local History and learning about the impact of the Woollen Mills in Barnard Castle. Through this topic we will learn about the Industrial Revolution, the lives of the poor and the wealthy and the changes in technology. We will learn how to use a timeline and develop our own historical enquiry questions to investigate. We will develop our knowledge of Primary and Secondary Sources.
The topic this term is Rivers and we will be exploring the water cycle and part rivers play in it. We will also learn about their features, the upper, middle and lower courses and why rivers flood. We will use the River Tees as a case study and describe its journey. We will develop our fieldwork skills by exploring how High Force was formed and how the flow of the Tees is controlled.
This half term we will be learning all about Hinduism and how they worship. We will recall what a religion is and be able to name some. We will find out about the importance of the Mandir and shrines, explain Puja and the significance of Aum and discover who Hindus worship. After half term we will learn about the importance of Advent to Christians and how it is celebrated across the world.
In French we will be learning how to say, read and write greetings, numbers to 10, colours, days and months. After half term we will look at the geography of France and how to describe the weather and location of cities and towns.
In computing we will be learning about digital devices, how they work and how they help us. We will also discover how computers are connected and what our school network looks like. Later, we will be creating our own stop motion animations!
We will be taking part in the Monty’s ‘Big Draw’ and draw our own shoes using ‘Charles Macksey’ as inspiration. This will include exploring a variety of media and techniques and look at how to draw to different scales and showing awareness of three-dimensional objects. Then, we will create our own tie-dye artwork inspired by artist Hugo Pineda. We will explore different fabrics and tie-dye techniques. We will develop our knowledge of complementary colours and our skills in self-evaluation and reflection.
In Design Technology, our topic is Structures – Shell Structures and we will be making our Christmas Gift Boxes including some Computer Aided Design. We will research them, come up with a design, make and evaluate them.
This term we are lucky to have specialist coaching in tag rugby working towards a competition later in the term. After half term we will move our focus to gymnastics and how to link movements together.
This half term we are learning the song ‘I’ve been to Harlem’, a traditional pentatonic song about travelling around the world. We will be composing our own accompaniment using notes from the pentatonic scale, exploring cup rhythms and creating our own performance. In the second half term we will compare two traditional boat songs and write a school folk song.
During the first half term we will look at what makes a good friend. This will include how to build friendships, how solve problems and how and when to ask for help. In the second half of the first term, we will be looking at what keeps us safe. We will be identifying hazards, risk assessing and how to stay safe including online.
Outdoor Learning
Over the autumn term we will be team building through problem solving activities and games including string trails, assault courses and hunts! After half term we will learn how to make fires and whittle safely. We will be enjoying some tasty treats from the campfire too!