Let’s Go on a Journey
This half term our theme is ‘Let’s Go on a Journey’ and our first focus story was ‘The Train Ride’. This also linked in well with our maths, which was all about sequencing, we have been using vocabulary such as first, next, then, after that, before and finally. We have been busy sequencing the Train Ride story, nursery rhymes and our daily routines. We have also been doing a bit of history in class by looking at different types of trains from the past and present and making comparisons.
We then decided to go up into the sky and enjoyed the story ‘Up, Up, Up!’ which was all about a journey in a hot air balloon.
We found out about how hot air balloons work and we designed our own colourful balloons. We also looked at an atlas and a globe and we chatted about where we would like to travel to if we went on a balloon ride; we made our own maps of our journey. We even made a hot air balloon in our role play area and went on some exciting adventures.
Beautiful Blossom
We noticed that the big tree in the Reception garden looked a bit different, it had started to grow some blossom. Mrs Patterson brought some branches in from home with blossom on, for the children to look at more closely. We also went on a blossom hunt around the school grounds and found 5 tress with blossom flowers on.
We used blossom as inspiration for some of our creative work in class.
Keep an eye on this page to find out more about our learning.