Take a look at some of the wonderful things that we have been doing in nursery so far this term.
We have been finding out about dinosaurs; first we chatted about what we already knew about dinosaurs and then discussed what we would like to find out about dinosaurs.
We read the story ‘Dear Dinosaur’ and mark marked cards, letters and postcards to the T-Rex, just like Max did in the story.
In math we have find exploring the concept of size and learning how to compare and order objects by their length. We were digging and sorting different sized bones, hunting for sticks in the garden, drawing missing body parts and we created dinosaur skeletons pictures using different sized straws for bones.
We also invited one of our school friends from Year 4 to come into nursery to share her amazing knowledge about dinosaurs. It was a very interesting and interactive visit and our nursery pupils listened well and asked some sensible questions to find out more information.
Some of our nursery pupils were interested in fossils so we followed this interest and created our own fossils using flour, water and coffee grounds. The process of creating the fossils was great fun and the results were very realistic.
This term we have also been exploring printing, we have experimented with using a range of different materials and media to print with. Some of the things that we have used are bubble wrap, pom poms, shapes, our fingers, hands, animals, cars, pattern stampers, balloons, bubbles and wellies. Children have been very engaged in this type of process art; it does not necessarily produce a particular end product but the freedom to experiment and explore during the process is a vital learning opportunity.
This term we have also been finding out about different celebrations; our families sent in photographs of their child involved in different celebrations.
The children enjoyed sharing these experiences with their classmates. We then spent time preparing for Peter the Panda’s 4th birthday. We read the book ‘It’s My Birthday’, explored baking ingredients in the sensory tray, wrote shopping lists, wrapped presents, had a tea party and explored comparing amounts of food using mathematical language more and fewer, we have also been mark making party invitations, we made cakes in the outdoor mud kitchen, prepared and enjoyed jam sandwiches and had fun taking part in traditional party games. Peter is a very lucky Panda to have such kind nursery friends!
Down on the Farm
Our interest then moved on to farms and farm animals.
We focused on the story ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ and spent time re-telling the story using props, puppets and masks. We experimented with building bridges using large and small construction resources. We have also been finding out more about 2D shapes; learning why each shape is special and we have used shapes in our creations.
Keep an eye on this page to find out more about our learning in nursery.