Welcome to The Super Sixes Page for Spring Term
It has been a challenging start to the year but I am so impressed with the amazing effort that Year 6 pupils are giving to their remote home learning! We have been very busy with our daily maths and literacy lessons and children have been accessing some super lessons from The Oak National Academy.
In maths, we have been focusing on revising our core number skills. Later on, we have learned about the topic of algebra, solving missing number problems and finding various possibilities to solve equations. Next, we will be looking at the topic of Measurement. We will be converting between different units of measure and solving problems involving both imperial and metric units of measure.
In our English lessons, we have been reading 2 fantastic books. We have read: ‘Love and Roast Chicken’ – a trickster tale by Barbara Knutson and we have also been reading ‘The Midnight Fox’ by Betsy Byers. We have written persuasive letters, informative speeches and even our own trickster tale. I am impressed with the way that our Super Sixes are rising to the challenge of reading their work aloud on Teams and I am super impressed that many children are sending in their work via the Assignments section of Teams.
Physical Education
PE at home can be challenging but on our timetable each day, there is a 30min task for you to do. These range from dance to boxing, fitness to yoga, so hopefully, there will be something to inspire everyone. There are also many great activities and websites to visit to support PE at home for example the NHS Change for Life Website can be accessed by clicking here: https://www.nhs.uk/change4life
There are also lots of other ways to stay healthy and active for example you could: ride your bike or scooter, go for a walk, care for your pets or even create a workout in the garden. Always remember to check with your adult at home before going outdoors.
In History, we have been using The Oak National Academy to learn about The Shang Dynasty. We have recapped our knowledge of Ancient History, learned about how The Shang Dynasty began and we have discovered what life was like for the Shang people. We will complete this topic by learning about Fu Hao’s influence on the Shang people and the collapse of the empire.
In Geography, we have been using The Oak National Academy to learn about South America. The lessons have been very engaging and informative. We have been discovering the physical and human features of South America as well as focusing on the geography of Chile. We will soon be comparing the similarities and differences between Chile and the UK.
In Science we have been learning all about ‘Diet and Lifestyle’. We began by learning about the key parts of a healthy diet and how different people might need different diets. We have learned about the effect of exercise on our muscles and we have also discussed what happens to the circulatory system during exercise. Recently, we have learned about the uses of medicinal drugs and how these can be beneficial to people when used in the correct way and when prescribed by a doctor. Next, we will go on to discover the dangers of nicotine and alcohol.
In PSHE, we have been learning about life being a balance. We have discovered information about the different food groups and how we can eat a healthy balanced diet. We have been learning about the importance of exercise and we have created our own fitness workout routine. Later, we will discover why images in the media can be misleading and we will learn about keeping our teeth clean and healthy.
Design and Technology
In D&T, we are going to design a new piece of playground equipment using CAD. We will be designing a playground featuring a variety of different structures, using Tinker CAD to design my own playground structure and building a range of play apparatus. We will also, use a range of materials to reinforce and add decoration to structures, improve our design plans based on peer evaluations and identify what makes a successful structure. We look forward to starting this exciting unit of work.
Art and Design
We understand that Art at home can be tricky, especially if you don’t have the resources you need. To help with this, we have decided, as a school, that we will make art an opportunity to encourage our children to appreciate art, develop an interest in drawing and to reveal their creative side! We can also use art as an escapism in these challenging times. Art can be a creative break from the more formal written lessons and we hope it will give pupils a sense of release and freedom. We look forward to sharing our art images and work here later in the term.