What an exciting Summer Term we have planned, with our play ‘What’s the crime Mr Wolf’, Sports Day, a visit to Bright Wood Forest School, Cricket Coaching, Coronation celebrations, Hoola Hoop sessions and much more. Let us begin by learning about what we will be doing in the classroom…
After the Easter break we will be linking our English lessons to our history, where we will be learning about Rome. We will create a fact file for Pompeii and write contrasting setting descriptions bases on before and after the eruption.
After our well earned half term break we will enjoy Michael Morpurgo’s version of Pinocchio and explore traditional recipes from Italy.
The times tables multiplication check which the children have been working towards will be the week of Monday 5 June and Friday 16 June.
Summer Term will see two of our most popular units being taught, sound and electricity. With lots of opportunity to use our scientific enquiry skills, the children explore how sound travels as well as how we hear sound, and create their own simple circuits.
In the first half of the term, after the Easter break, we will study our next History unit. We will look at why the Romans invaded Britain and look at why their army was so successful. We will also investigate what it was like to be a Roman soldier on Hadrian’s Wall.
Also studied in the first half of the term, we will look at how Europe is made up and what are its major human and physical features. We will explore the major rivers and mountain ranges, as well as cities, imports and exports.
Religions Education
Our first unit will focus on Islam, with a focus on the five pillars of Islam and why they are important to Muslims. We will also explore Ramadan and Eid, looking at the importance of this fast around the world.
Our second unit focusses on Christianity and the importance of pilgrimage. We will explore different pilgrimage destinations as well as considering the important places for us all.
Physical Education
As we return from the Eater break we hope to be able to move our PE sessions outside. We will be practising our tennis skills as well as being taught cricket by our visiting coach.
After the May holiday we will focus on athletics as we prepare for our Sports Day event.
Summer Term will be full of performance opportunities and provides chance for the children to put their musical vocabulary to the test. The term begins with our 3/4 play ‘What’s the Crime Mr Wolf?’ where the children will be performing singing in groups, rounds and solos. In the second half of the term, Monty Musicals will return!
Design Technology
Our DT project will take place after the May holiday, where we will be linking to our science topic of electricity. We will make simple circuits and switches (including programming and control) to design, make and evaluate torches, lamps and lanterns.
In the second half of the Summer Term we will be exploring painting self portraits inspired by Van Gogh using half a photograph. We will also be creating a collage, inspired by our Roman history topic. We will design and create our own mosaics inspired by both Roman architecture and contemporary mosaic artist Nicholas Missani.
Modern Foreign Languages
We will begin the Summer Term by learning how to speak about our leisure interests. We will explain what we do in our spare time as well as explore what is leisure in France.
After the half term break, we will learning how to use opinion sentences, using a range of adjectives, phrases and questions.