Hello Fantastic Fours! Let’s have a look at what we have to look forward to this term!
In the first half term we will be looking at poetry from ‘I don’t like Poetry followed by ‘The Adventures of Odysseus’ which links to our history topic on Ancient Greece. We will be learning about different poetical devices and creating our own poem as well as writing out own story in the style of a myth! During the second half term we will explore ‘The Animals of Farthing Wood’ plight through persuasive writing followed by our own information texts using inspiration from ‘Animalium.’ This links with our science topic ‘Living things and habitats!
In Maths, we will be continuing our work on multiplication and division. We will also be exploring area, time, and money. We are following the mastery approach, developing our problem solving and reasoning skills.
In the first half term we will be looking at ‘Animals including Humans’. This will include some recapping of nutrition and skeletons before moving onto discovering the digestive system, identifying types of teeth and constructing food chains! In the second half term we will be exploring ‘Living Things and Habitats’. We will look at classification of living things as well as different habitats and how they can change!
Our history topic has a worldly focus this term! We will be looking at the Ancient Greek civilisation and how it has influenced the way we live today. This will include sport, democracy, how we think, architecture and will develop our historical enquiry skills.
We will be exploring the mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes. We will be discovering how mountains and volcanoes are formed and how eruptions and earthquakes happen. This will also look at the impact of these on local people.
This half term we will be learning all about Hinduism and its origins. We will be looking at how they celebrate their beliefs today.
In French we will be learning about masculine, feminine and plural agreements as well as pronouns through the topic of family.
In computing we will be exploring about how to stay safe online and how to seek help or advice.
During the second half of the term, we will be discovering art through our Ancient Greece topic.
In Design Technology we will be designing and creating our own Greek buildings inspired by pavilions.