In the first half of the term we will study the Stone Age to the Iron Age!
We explored what they ate during the stone age by looking through stone age poo!
In the second half of the term we will study ‘The Americas’.
We will be travelling across America, stopping in Peru, Brazil, Hollywood, Bolivia and the Andes to name a few! As we follow Tom across America, I wonder what we will discover…
Reading and writing in class 3
In literacy during the first half of the term we will be exploring a range of books which link to our topic and science work. Our grammar skills will be developed as we learn about writing autobiographies, instructions and informal letters about far away lands.
In the second half of the term we will be following the adventures of Tom as he cycles across America.
Maths and number work
For the Autumn term, we will be focusing on place value and the four number operations.
We will be building upon our growing knowledge of the times tables, introducing the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Also, we will be increasing our confidence of our mental methods, as well as developing our reasoning and problem solving skills.
Our first science topic of the year explores rocks! This allows us to investigate how rocks are formed, why there might be fossils inside some rocks, and what is soil made from? We will also be joined by an expert from Durham University who will share her knowledge of the rock cycle.
Later in the term we will be focusing on the importance of science, and how it impacts on our everyday life. We will be learning about a range of scientists as well as exploring their discoveries.
Art and Design Technology
In the first part of the term, to link in to our topic of the Stone Age, we will be creating our own natural paints, creating cave paintings inspired by the cave art discovered in Lascaux. We will also be making the most of our proximity to the woods in Barnard Castle, foraging for art materials and creating prehistoric tools.
In the second half of the term we will be producing ‘firework art’, developing a range of mark making skills.
In the first half of the term we will be visited by the education officer from the Bowes Museum who will share their Hindu artefacts so that we can make our own shrine.
The second half of the term will focus on advent.
Sport and PE in Class 3
In Class 3 we will be taking part in team games to build our co-operation and communication. Children will need to bring their Montalbo School PE kit and a water bottle every Monday so that they can take part in sports and activities safely and successfully. As the weather turns colder, children may also want to bring a warm jumper or fleece. We look forward to starting the School Games Calendar and also the Staindrop Sports Academy Festivals in the new academic year.