Welcome back Class 2! We have an exciting term ahead of us.
Important updates:
- PE is taught on a Wednesday.
- Outdoor learning is taught on a Thursday.
- Spellings are sent home every Monday.
- Homework is sent home on a Friday and should be handed in on Wednesday.
In Literacy we will be reading The Railway Children and See Inside Trains which links to our History topic of the Railway. We will be taking the perspective of the characters in The Railway Children to write a diary entry and a formal letter. Then we will look at non-chronological reports building on our knowledge of non-fiction texts. Within our writing we will be using a wide range of vocabulary, paragraphs and exploring first person.
After half term, we will continue to use our vocabulary and grammar skills to write our own adventure stories and setting descriptions using inspiration from Winnie The Pooh. Then we will look at Bananas In My Ears to explore poetry.
This term we focus on division, statistics, shape and fractions. We will be using lots of concrete and pictorial representations to fully understand mathematical concepts. We will start by using our multiplication knowledge from last half term to share objects into equal groups. This will help us to learn about division. After that, we will move onto statistics where we will be learning how information can be presented in different ways such as a tally chart, a pictogram and block diagrams. Then moving onto shapes we will be learning about both 2-D and 3-D shapes. There will be lots of opportunities for concrete resources so that we can learn to recognise shapes, count vertices, make patterns and understand lines of symmetry. Lastly, we will be learning about fractions. This topic will involve us recognising the different parts of a fraction such as a half, a quarter and a third.
In the first half term we are looking at plants and living things and their habitats. We will be observing the growth of poppy seeds and daffodils which we planted in the Autumn term. We will then investigate wider habitats such as woodlands and ponds to find any hidden microhabitats. In the second half term, our focus is animals including humans. During this we will learn the basic needs that animals including humans need to survive and describe the importance of humans exercising, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.
Our History topic this term is, ‘What impact did the development of the railway have on the daily lives of people?’ We will be learning about how people travelled before trains and how train travel changed people’s lives? Children will be using lots of different sources such as pictures to find out about the past.
Our Geography topic this term is, ‘What are the streets and roads around school like?’ In this topic we will be using aerial photographs and OS maps to investigate the streets and roads around school. We will be taking a route around the local area using our knowledge of map symbols and the key. Then we will compare the different streets and roads which are found in our local area.
In the first half term, we will be looking at how Buddhists show their beliefs. This will involve looking at the importance of Buddha, the Four Noble Truths and key Buddhist symbols. In the second half term we will be focusing on the Easter story and how Christians celebrate Easter.
In Art, we are going to create abstract collage portraits inspired by Pablo Picasso. Then we will be creating a view from a train using a combination of drawing, painting and weaving techniques. This work will be inspired by Michael Crompton.
In DT, we will be investigating bridges by designing, making and evaluating our own models. This will involve identifying when a structure is more or less stable than other and using different equipment to perform practical tasks.
In the first half term, we will be exploring ‘How does music make the world a better place?’. We will start by listening to a piece of music linked to the topic and answer questions related to the beat, tempo, rhythm and texture. Then we will learn the song we are focusing on and use that knowledge to play it on the glockenspiels.
In the second half term, we will be exploring ‘How does music teach us about our neighbours?’. This unit will allow us to learn about a wide variety of music and build up our music skills.
In computing we are going to be using technology purposefully to create, organise, store and retrieve digital content. Then we will be creating algorithms and changing it into codes.
Outdoor Learning
This half term in outdoor learning we will be exploring how we feel about art with natural materials being temporary. This will involve children using natural materials such as leaves and sticks to create art outdoors. The art we produce outdoors will be inspired by Richard Long.