Welcome to Autumn Term in Year 1
Our terrific topic this half term has been all about Farms! The children have been working very hard to learn all there is to know about the wonderful world of farming!
Literacy in Class 1
In Class 1 we have been reading ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’. The story fits in perfectly with our topic and we have been able to develop and improve some of our basic skills!
Maths in Class 1
In maths this half term we have been focusing on place value and are now very confident with counting forwards and backwards to ten, ordering numbers, finding one more and one less and using a number line.
History in Class 1
Class 1 have worked very hard and learned all about how farms were ran many years ago. We compared farming from the past to the present day and were very interested to learn all about the specialist machinery that is used and how dairy farming has changed. We even got to churn our own butter.
Science in Class 1
Our Science topic this half term has been ‘Animals Including Humans’. We were lucky enough to visit Hall Hill Farm to assist our learning and found out lots about the animals that live and work on the farm. We have also learned out our senses and carried out a tasty experiment to see how our senses affect one another.
Art in Class 1
This half term we are learning about Andy Goldsworthy’s work and are creating our own sculptures, made from natural materials. We are collecting our own materials on a woodland walk, before creating our masterpieces.
RE in Class 1
We are learning about how to care for others in RE this half term. We have read the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ and discussed the Christian message that it delivers. We are also learning about other religions and how people provide care for others in different ways.
Next half term our terrific topic is ‘The Great Fire of London’. We will be comparing London in the past and present, building our very own Pudding Lane and hoping to have some special visitors in school.