Welcome to the Summer Term
In Literacy we continue to follow the RWI scheme to deliver our phonics input. In addition to this we will be looking at the following books and completing a range of activities linked to them.
Our topics this term are multiplication and division, fractions, position and direction, place value, money and time. Children have the opportunity to work independently and with their ‘talk partner’. They use a variety of concrete, pictorial and abstract representations to help them master the different topics taught. Children are encouraged to count forwards in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s to help build the foundations for learning these as times tables in Year 2.
We continue to follow the White Rose Scheme of work.
In science we will be discovering more about plants that see we see regularly and also the structure of plants. We will look at the season of summer and link this to our previous learning on seasonal change.
Our history unit this summer term is a little bit different to our usual unit of work. As it it the Queen’s platinum jubilee we will be completing a range of activities to answer. ‘Why are we celebrating a platinum platinum jubilee?’ As part of this we will discover more about our current monarch and what a coronation is.
In Geography our unit of work is, ‘What is my country like?’. We will identify the countries and bodies of water that surround the UK. We will look at different landmarks across the UK and begin to make some comparisons between London and Barnard Castle.
Our focus in RE is people who are special to us. In Summer 1, we will consider, ‘Why is Jesus special to Christians?’ and in Summer 2 we will explore, ‘Why is Buddha special to Buddhists?’
In our health and wellbeing unit of work we will look at, ‘Who helps to keep us safe?’ This is then followed by ‘How can we look after each other and the world?’ which is part of our living in the wider world curriculum.
In our P.E lessons we will be improving our striking and fielding skills as well as our athletic skills.
In computing we are learning how to log onto a computer and developing our mouse skills. We will be using the keyboard to type our names. This would be a great skill to keep practicing at home!
Our art focus begins in Summer 2. More details to follow!
Our D.T focus begins in Summer 2. More details to follow!