Welcome to Summer in Year 1!
Our overarching topic for this term is farming.
We continue to follow the RWI programme to teach phonics but we are also building in literacy lessons. We will be studying a variety of traditional tales and also stories related to farming and gardening. During our literacy lessons we will be applying our phonetic knowledge and using capital letters and full stops to accurately punctuate sentences. We will also be trying to make our writing interesting by using exciting verbs and adjectives. To help inspire our writing, we will also make our own gingerbread men!
In maths we will continue to follow the White Rose Scheme of work. This term we will find out more about length, weight and mass and capacity and volume in our measurement units of work. After that we will focus on multiplication and division – with a particular focus on 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We continue our number work in fractions, looking at halves, wholes and quarters. We will also be consolidating our place value knowledge up to 100. By the end of the term, we will also have learnt more about position and direction, money and time.
We will begin the summer term by studying plants. Within this topic we will find out about plants that we will be identifying and naming different plants and will learn about evergreen and deciduous trees. We will be labelling different parts of a flowering plant. We will be using the scientific skills of observation and comparison to discover more about plants and their seeds.
Click on the link below to find out more about deciduous and evergreen trees.
This term we will be answering the question, ‘How has farming changed?’. As part of this we will look at changes in machinery and will focus on changes in dairy farming. We will be using our historical enquiry skills to interview a local dairy farmer to find out more about the changes he has seen in dairy farming.
In Geography, we will be finding out about the physical and human features found on farms. we will also discover the different purposes of farms and how fields might be used. To round off our topic we will maker a 3D model of a farm and will tell an adult all about it!
Our art topics this term are painting and sculpture. During our painting unit ion work, we will be experimenting with primary colours and paint. We will be studying the work of Catherine Atkinson to inspire us in our painting. When we move onto sculpting, we will be using a variety of malleable materials and tools to create a sculpture of ourselves.
In D.T, we are learning about mechanisms and will be focussing on wheels, axles and axle holders. By the end of the unit we will have designed, made and evaluated a moving vehicle. Fingers crossed we can get them to work!
In R.E our topics are Buddhism and Christianity. We will out more about Buddhism and who Buddha was. In our Christian unit of work we will be exploring what makes people special, who Jesus was and how stories involving Jesus show us how he was special.
This term, we are considering who keeps us safe and also how we can look after ourselves. We will explore different situations and how we could react and respond in those situations – much of this work will be through role play and discussion. During the summer 2, we will be thinking about how we can look after and care for others within school, our family and the wider community.
We will be improving our throwing and catching skills this summer! Please feel free to practice these at home to help support your child with this.
Outdoor Ed
We will be very busy outside in the poly tunnel growing lots of different vegetables. We will be planting broad bean seeds, courgettes and pumpkins. Lets hope they all grow!
This year we are taking part in a county wide music festival. We will be learning and performing a class song. We are learning a song called, Sanibonani which means how do you do in Zulu. It’s a very catchy tune and I’m sure you will soon learn it too!
We will be learning how to log on and off a computer and will be developing our keyboard skills. By the end of our unit of work we will have written our names in different fonts, sizes and colours! We will also be programming simple algorithms using BeeBots. The children will be sending them on different journeys around a farm.