This term we have been reading Fantastic Mr Fox in year 1! We have thoroughly enjoyed describing the three mean farmers from the story; Boggis, Bunce and Bean and can’t wait to see if Fantastic Mr Fox can outsmart them in the end!
In Maths we have been focusing on place value to 50. The children have enjoyed working out how many tens and ones are in each number and have been fantastic at representing numbers in many different ways. We have also been introduced to length, height, weight and mass. The children have completed some super practical maths within the classroom.
Our History topic this term is the Life of Pocahontas. We have been learning about why she is an inspirational person and the children were very excited to discover the details of her life as part of a tribe! We’ve also had a lot of fun in our Pocahontas role play area!
We have been learning about our School and the Local Area this term in Geography. The children have carried out some field work around school and even devised their own maps. The children particularly enjoyed finding their houses on Google maps.
The children are having lots of fun learning about colour mixing and have recreated some beautiful pieces of art inspired by; Rothko, Kandinsky, Klee and Pollock.
The children will be learning all about the Seasons in Science! We have lots of fun planned, including monitoring the temperature and weather. We have also been lucky enough to take part in Space Camp! Year 1 loved making the solar system out of fruit and bringing their own planet to life.
We have been learning lots of interesting facts about Christianity in RE. The children have been thinking a lot about who inspires them and have enjoyed learning some stories from the Bible.
The children have worked incredibly hard this term and impress with their facts and understanding each day! In the summer term we will be learning all about the history of Barnard Castle, with hopes to visit the castle when the weather improves. We will also be learning about the UK and its surrounding oceans in Geography and all about Plants and Trees in Science. We are also excited to develop our outdoor area and spend some time learning outdoors.
Please come back soon for an exciting summer term update!