Welcome to Reception!
What a fantastic start the children have made in Reception. They have settled in incredibly well and have been already started to develop their independence.
We have started learning some new rules and routines and the adults have been very impressed at how quickly the children are adapting. We have started making memories, have developed new friendships and are building on existing ones.
As play is such an important part of our learning, we have been exploring lots of different activities and have thoroughly enjoyed exploring our new classrooms. We’ve made full use of our outdoor area and although we haven’t had the best weather yet, we’ve made full use of our wellies and waterproofs and enjoyed the wetter weather and making a splash!
Our team work and ability to collaborate has been great – building, sharing, drawing, writing and inventing lots of fun games – our imagination and communication skills have already improved! We’ve enjoyed exploring our home corner and serving delicious ‘home cooked meals’, looking after the babies and cleaning up after them.
This half term, our topic is ‘All About Me’. We will be focusing on learning about ourselves and each other, our families, homes and local area. We are also going to be doing lots of work on kindness, acceptance and being a good friend.
Our problem solving skills have already started to flourish and we have been trying hard to work together to come up with solutions to our problems and use the resources around us to help. We are so proud of ourselves!
We started our PE sessions this week, with a focus on gymnastics and been developing our gross motor and listening skills. We will also be starting dance sessions soon in anticipation of our whole school ‘dance off’ competition.
We have started our term with ‘The Story of the Kindness Elves’. The elves have visited our classroom in a bid to spread kindness wherever we go. They have been setting us tasks of kindness and we have been choosing kindness throughout the day. We will
We will also be reading ‘The Paper Dolls’, ‘Our Class is a Family’ and ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and we are looking forward to sharing more books each week! We will be starting our phonics programme this half term – Read Write Inc. We will be learning new sounds and will started to blend the sounds to read words when we are ready. We will also be continuing to share our love of books in school and at home. We have really enjoyed sharing a book as a class, with our friends and on our own and we have made a great start to the year with lots of reading at home.
We will also be starting our Maths mastery scheme – White Rose Maths. We will start by looking at ‘Matching and sorting’ and will continue our learning with some counting and subitising. We are looking forward to lots of number challenges and problem solving.