We are looking forward to welcoming you back to school on Thursday 3rd September. Your classrooms and the outdoor areas look amazing – our staff have done a superb job.
When you return to school we will have 8 class bubbles. We must try really hard not to mix our bubbles to help keep us all safe.
There will be different start and finish times and you will soon get used to them.
When you arrive at school, there will be staff around to direct you to your outside classroom door. You should go straight to this door when you are dropped off.
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will start at 8.30am and finish at 3pm
Years 1 and 2 will start at 8.45am and finish at 3.15pm
Nursery and Reception will start at 9am and finish at 3.30pm.
If you have a brother or sister you may come in at an earlier time, but you will go to your outside classroom door and stay with your usual class.
If you go to breakfast club or after school care, this will take place in your classroom.
A parent or trusted adult will pick you up from your classroom door.
You will spend the school day with your class and have special areas to play in, just for your class. Your break times and lunchtimes will be a bit different as most classes will eat in their classrooms . We will explain this when you come to school.
You will still need your water bottle (wash it well each day and bring it filled up), a packed lunch if you have one and your PE kits. Teachers will tell you which days you need your kit when you come back to school.
We will be washing our hands more regularly and you should wash your hands before leaving home and when you get in from school.
We hope you have had a good holiday and look forward to seeing you on Thursday.