Welcome back to our returning friends and a warm welcome to our new friends and families. This first half term is all about ensuring that all of our nursery pupils feel safe, happy and secure in their new environment.
We are so proud of how well our nursery pupils are settling into their new classrooms. Each session our pupils are welcomed at their classroom doors, and they say goodbye to their adults and with support they put their folder in the basket, hang up their belongings and find their Daisy or Buttercup name cards and put it on a peg of their choosing; we call these our ‘daily jobs’. It has been lovely seeing our pupils becoming more independent and beginning to learn our class routines.
We have also introduced the story ‘The Colour Monster’ and it has been helping the children to name and understand their different feelings.
Take a look at some of the learning that has taken place during our first few weeks in Buttercup and Daisy Class.
Wow! The children have had a busy few weeks exploring their new environment, both indoors and outdoors. We have shared some lovely focused stories including; Owl Babies, Peace at Last, Gorgeously Me! and Oliver’s Vegetables.
The children have enjoyed participating in activities throughout the week, based around each story. We have been on a listening walk around the school, trying to find somewhere quiet to sleep, just like Daddy Bear in our story, ‘Peace at Last’. We identified lots of different sounds. It was far too noisy to get any sleep!
After reading ‘Gorgeously Me,’ the children drew family portraits and enjoyed sharing them with each other. This gave them the opportunity to talk about the people who are special to them.
After listening to ‘Oliver’s Vegetables,’ children harvested potatoes and helped to peel and chop them to make chips and mashed potato. They enjoyed eating them as part of their afternoon snack! We have created a farm shop with real fruit and vegetables and the children have enjoyed becoming shop keepers!
Take a look at some of our learning so far…
What an amazing first half term we have had.
In maths, we have learnt and explored a range of colours. Then we used our knowledge of colours to match and sort objects according to their colour, size and shape. The children have used language such as ‘big/bigger little/smaller and same/different’ when comparing groups of objects and sorting them into separate piles.
We have enjoyed learning and singing different number rhymes such as ‘1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive’ ‘5 currant buns’ ‘1 potato, 2 potato’ ‘5 little ducks’ and ‘5 little speckled frogs’. The children have loved joining in with the actions to these songs!
In the lead up to Halloween, the children have enjoyed taking part in lots of spooky activities! We have made witches potions using spiders, bats, eye balls and frogs! We have carved and painted pumpkins and made silly pumpkin faces using playdough.
The children enjoyed a super spooktacular Halloween party in the hall, in which they played spooky games, ate party treats and showed us their best dancing moves.