Welcome to Class 6
Welcome to the new school year! We hope you are ready for your new start in Year 6.
Key information:
- Our PE day is Tuesday. You will have 2x hours of PE with our specialist coach.
- Homework will be handed out on a Wednesday and due on a Monday.
- Outdoor learning will take place on a Friday. Please make sure you have wellies in school and a waterproof coat in school.
In the first half term, we will be reading three war themed texts. We will begin with a picture book – ‘Rose Blanche’ by Ian McEwan and Roberto Innocenti – set in Nazi Germany during World War II, the story draws on Innocenti’s childhood memories and experience of war in his hometown. The relates the horrors of the Holocaust through the eyes and lived experience of an innocent girl called Rose growing up in a small village in Germany in the 1930s. We will use the book as our inspiration for a diary entry written from the perspective of Rose. Our second book will be a ‘life-enchanting’ novel – ‘When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit’. This semi-autobiographical classic, written by the beloved Judith Kerr, tells the story of a Jewish family escaping Germany in the days before the Second World War. We will create our own historical fiction narratives based on the text. Finally, we will read the powerful anthology ‘On The Move’ – by Michael Rosen and illustrated by Sir Quentin Blake – which focuses on migration and displacement. We will use the anthology as our inspiration for our own migration poems.
We will continue to develop our comprehension skills through reading skills lessons and our daily reading hour. Tuesday – Friday our lessons will include a range of both reading and writing skills. There are some exciting new literacy themes to encounter, and we hope the Year 6 pupils are as keen as we are to get reading our new books!
Our Oracy unit will be linked to an exciting opportunity we are partaking in this year – the ROAR project. We will be learning the skills needed to showcase our amazing ideas; practicing ‘the sell’ of the prototype we’ve made before presenting to a panel of experts!
In Maths, we will begin by revisiting and developing our knowledge of place value. We will learn to read and write numbers beyond one million, as well as learning to compare and order increasingly large numbers. Later, we consolidate our knowledge of the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This will include exploring new concepts, such as long division. After half term, we will progress onto our units on fractions, decimals and percentages. We will compare, order, add and subtract fractions and decimals, multiply and divide fractions and develop our understanding of fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents. These elements of maths are crucial to the Year 6 curriculum, and we will spend time revisiting and revising much of the Autumn core learning, including through our mental maths sessions.
In Science, our first topic is Living Things and Their Habitats. We will be learning about biodiversity and how we can classify living things, looking closely at the work of Carl Linnaeus. We will create our own branching keys and record the results of scientific studies using charts and graphs. We will be using a wide range of scientific enquiry types. Later in the term, we will be studying the topic of Light. Through a range of exciting experiments, we will develop our understanding of how light travels, how we see, shadows and light phenomena. Our important scientist will be Percy Shaw.
In Geography, we are learning about Forests, considering questions such as: where are the world’s forests and what are they like? We will also be looking at our local area, specifically making comparisons between Flatts Woods and The Stang Forest. We will use maps and key information to make comparisons and think geographically, including a field study of Flatts Woods. We will continue to explore how our forests are changing as well as looking at what can we do to protect our forests and woodlands in the UK.
In History this term, we will be considering our key question: How did the North East support the war effort and what impact did this have on our wider local area? We are keen to become inquisitive historians, making relevant historical enquiries and considering a range of primary and secondary sources, including researching the role of women during WWII, focusing on their achievements as munitions workers at the Aycliffe Factory. We will also look at the RAF and RCAF and how they came to be stationed at RAF Goosepool – now Teesside Airport. We will also critically consider the social impact of the war and how it changed people’s lives including: the effects of rationing, blackouts and how life changed after the war ended.
In Art, we will be focusing on our drawing and sculpture skills. Our drawings will be part of our exciting “Big Draw” initiative, where we have a go at drawing the same object each year to see how our drawing skills are developing. We will consider techniques such as shading and hatching, as well as line and tone, inspired by the illustrator Pauline Baynes. We will also be looking at sculpting with plastic to create poppies, taking inspiration from the incredible artist Dale Chihuly.
Design and Technology
We are very fortunate this term to have the opportunity to partake in the ROAR 2023 project. The project intends to promote an entrepreneurial spirit for all students, unlocking their innovative DNA by challenging them to create a ‘World Changing Idea’. Across the project, we will explore what an entrepreneur is, before using our creativity to create a range of brilliant business ideas. We will develop our understanding of how to prototype and discover the power of ‘design thinking’, taking the ideas we’ve been developing into the prototyping process. Finally, we will showcase how we took our business or product from idea to execution and demonstrate our prototypes to an expert panel. Some of us may even be lucky enough to progress to the national finals of the competition!
In French this term, we will begin with a phonics review. We will revise colours, numbers, days, months and extend our learning further through looking at simple verb conjugations and adverbs. We will them move on to comparing and contrasting Francophone countries, recapping country names and learning the vocabulary for simple geographical features. We will also have a go at translation through listening and reading activities.
In PSHE, we will be exploring the links between mental and physical health. We will think about how we can support our mental wellbeing through positive friendships and a healthy, balanced lifestyle. We will also raise awareness of the early signs of physical or mental ill-health and why it is so important to identify and manage health problems in the early stages. We will discuss who we can speak to about health difficulties and the different ways in which mental health difficulties can be resolved or managed.
This half term, we will explore how data is transferred over the internet, including the makeup and structure of data packets. We will consider how the internet facilitates online communication and collaboration, completing shared projects online and evaluating different methods of communication. Finally, we will learn how to communicate responsibly by considering what should and should not be shared on the internet.
In Music lessons, we will begin by learning the traditional WWII song ‘Keep The Home Fires Burning’. We will focus on singing with expression and perform our song to the rest of the school. Later in the term, we will ‘doodle with sound’ and create ‘song fragments’ before having the opportunity to compose and produce our own full songs. We also look forward to our preparations for our Christmas Carol Concert!
Physical Education
Our PE day is Tuesday. You will have 2x hours of PE with our specialist coach. We will begin the term by focusing on Hockey and Dance, in preparation for our whole school dance festival. In the second half of the term, we will be developing our basketball skills and taking part in gymnastics sessions with a focus on counter-balance and counter tension.
Outdoor Learning
Year 6 outdoor learning sessions will take place on a Friday afternoon. Please remember to bring suitable footwear (wellies/walking boots) and a waterproof coat. As the weather turns colder, you will need to be prepared with gloves, a hat and additional layers of clothing!