My name is Louise Finlay. I have lived in Barnard Castle for 25 years now. I have two daughters one currently at the school and another who left for secondary school in 2019. I have been very involved in the life of school since my elder daughter joined. As a family, we have helped with FoMS (Friends of Montalbo School) and other open events in school.
I am Parent Governor and Vice Chair of Governors with three years of my current 4-year term with the Governing Body now completed. I am currently in my second term of governance.
My key focus areas are as PE & Sports Governor (responsible for ensuring PE Funding is well spent) and monitoring governor for Pupil Premium expenditure and outcomes. I have been monitoring these areas for several years. I have referred to published guidance from the DfE and school governance support services to help me effectively review these areas. During my term of office, I have attended relevant training with Durham County Council to improve my knowledge of these and other areas of governance.
Although I worked for most of my adult life in industry, I am now self-employed working solely with my husband in our transport business. Through my work I have experience in employing people, managing budgets, and applying for funding. Our business provides home to school and social care transport some of which is to support Durham County Council.
As governors we collaboratively work on the vision and strategy for the school. Throughout my terms of office, I have contributed to this and am proud of the documents we have produced as a Governing Body to detail how we will achieve our goals. As Vice Chair I am accountable along with others on the governing board the head teacher and committees for the completion of the resulting actions. Governors and staff have a robust record of achieving these aims. As a governing body we are supporting staff with ongoing professional development which is building us an outstanding school.