This week saw the culmination of a lot of planning and preparation with the whole school taking place
in many space related activities. Nursery and Reception did much space themed work in their
classes, and the other classes carouselled around the school working with all of our teachers. Mrs
Bartoli and Miss Scott taught Art, Miss Richardson taught PE, Miss Lauder Computing, Miss
Blackburn Maths, Dr Greenwell and Miss Bean Science and all of the subjects had a space theme.
There is always an amazing atmosphere in school but the buzz in the classrooms over the last two
days has been on another level! Thank you to all the staff for making these activities so memorable –
the quotes from the children make all the effort worthwhile.
On Thursday evening, the Year 3 and 4 children had an extra treat as they camped in pop up tents in
the school hall. They were visited by the Durham Astronomical Society who showed them how to use
our new telescope effectively, as well as pointing out many stars in the night sky. We were lucky
enough to see a satellite and the International Space Station pass by. After that, they did some more
space themed activities and snuggled down in their tents for the night.
On Friday morning, the whole school carried on with more space themed work and presented some of
their learning to the parents of Year 3 and 4 children. The children were so well behaved and despite
about a twenty trips from each one to the toilet they did so well! They were a real credit to the school and their families and I know for some children it was their first experience of staying away from families.
Thank you very much to Dr Greenwell for organising this –it took a lot of time and effort and for also
stopping over with the children. Thank you also to Miss Scott, Mrs Daniels, Mrs Dupuy and Miss
Smith (trainee teacher) who also stayed with me and the children and also to Mrs Bartoli, Mrs Bowron
and Mrs Miller who helped out before bedtime.